Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Clouded Crescent

We want you to share your book cover with us. An
attractive cover is a big element in the appeal of
your book.

We want the details about yours.

Did you design the cover? No.

Did your publisher design the cover? Yes Mr. Bob Robert of AuthorHouse USA

Did you get to give any input about the cover design? Yes I gave the idea to him.

Is there an interesting story behind the cover design? If so, please share the details. Yes it is. My book is about a man who falls into the traps of evil -doers such as Islamist terrorist, drug smugglers and Al-Qaeda.

Who is the cover artist? Mr. Robert de Grave

Are you happy with the cover? Yes

Tell us what you think is the best part of the cover. The back ground of clouds as my book is titled Clouded Crescent

What is the link to buy your book? customersupport@authorhouse.com

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