Sunday, January 13, 2008

Valentine Express by Cricket Sawyer

Did you design the cover? no

Did your publisher design the cover? The Publisher Karen Syed of Erotique designed my cover and I couldn't be happier.

Did you get to give any input about the cover design? I did have input, but it was Karen's clever adaptation that captured the essence of this short novella in the cover graphic.

Is there an interesting story behind the cover design? If so, please share the details.

Who is the cover artist? Karen Syed publisher of Echlon and Erotique books

Are you happy with the cover? Delightfully so!

If not, what would you change and why? Absolutely nothing.

Tell us what you think is the best part of the cover. Well, it's a valentine's day story - and she did it in a red velvet look with a heart cutout super emposed over what could be a lover's kiss

Is there anything else about your cover that we need to know? Feel free to share.

Warmed by a cloud of steam and enticed by fragrances of the past mingling with the present, Carrie finds herself drowning in a sea of erotic nostalgia. Remembering each pair of excited hands caressing her skin, teasing her into waves of pleasure, she revisits the sensuality of her youth. But no matter how ardent the memories, nothing will give her greater pleasures than the ecstasy yet to come.

Please provide your website link.

What is the link to buy your book?

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