Sunday, July 27, 2008

New Madrid , Missouri by Arlington Nuetzel

2027, New Madrid , Missouri by Arlington Nuetzel
Trade Paperback 176 pages $19.95 ISBN#1424193001

Did you design the cover?
No but I did select the earthquake engraving from an engraving in the public domain from a Mark Twain book. It actually depicted an earthquake in San Francisco .

Did your publisher design the cover?
Yes, PublishAmerica hit it on the first try. I couldn¢t have been more pleased.

Did you get to give any input about the cover design?
I suggested the cover art, the publisher provided the integration, graphics, bleed, sepia and overall look. It was very professional.

Is there an interesting story behind the cover design? If so, please share the details.
It just all came together, the cringing passerby, the bolting horses, the crumbling buildings. The sense of my book is captured.

Who is the cover artist?
The graphic genius Anthony Saavedra. He is understated but extremely effective at his work.

Are you happy with the cover?
Absolutely. It sells the book for me.

Tell us what you think is the best part of the cover.
I like the way it leads the reader into the story.

Is there anything else about your cover that we need to know? Feel free to share.
Always search the public domain for ideas just like you should Google your title and characters names. What you find will surprise you and may prevent embarrassment before you release Moby Dick.

Please provide your website link.
I offer samples, my book trailer and buy my book links at
I hang out for viral purposes and great music at

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