Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Vampire Shrink


Publisher: Medallion Press (

The cover was created by Medallion Press art director Adam Mock.

Medallion gives authors a lot of input about covers. They send out an extensive questionnaire, collecting details about the book and the author's preferences.

I originally had a different idea about my cover, and the art department sent me a rough draft of a cover based on their interpretation of my suggestions. That first cover didn't fit my story very well, and when I talked with the artists, I discovered they'd also created a second (very different) cover. The cover on my book is the second one they came up with and, while it wasn't anything I'd imagined, it is very distinctive and eye-catching.

People tell me that, no matter what their opinion of the cover, they simply have to pick up the postcard or cover flat and take a closer look. That's wonderful! I'm counting on that happening in bookstores, too!

I like the moody, edgy look of the male on the cover. The art department looked for a blond fellow (because my main male vampire character is blond), and the idea of a tattoo was brilliant.

Here's my website, with excerpts, etc.:

Link to buy:

Lynda Hilburn

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